Test drive our Mind mapping for Dyslexia program for 2 weeks free.
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With the success of our Pilot Course "How to Mindmap for Exams with Dyslexia", we have laid out a Mind Mapping Course that strengthens and caters more on dyslexics. As time went by and more people tried the course, we realised that a short 2-month course was not enough for them to master Mind Mapping. Students have asked us for a way to keep developing the Mind Mapping habit with access to more study groups and training videos.
This Course is a comprehensive Mind Mapping Course designed to accommodate dyslexic students, parents, teachers, tutors and coaches and take them on an 1-year of mind mapping journey. Every month, they get new set of videos with enough exercises and practicals to work with. Every week they get to meet with other students on the study group to share their maps and discuss their learning, insights and challenges during the course. It's going to be a virtual school for families of creative children with unlimited access to all our training, individualised videos and access to tutorials on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The goal is to help you grow the habit of Mind Mapping school and to keep harvesting its benefits.
It's going to be a major step in how to map with dyslexia. Probably even bigger than the Pilot Course. I'm going to systematise the training into the "BulletMap System" with the 8 Maps that have emerged as most useful to students. I've named them: BulletMap, NoteMap, PatternMap, MemoryMap, MasterMap, FlashMap, QuestionMap, and RecipeMap. The names are new, but the basics of most of these techniques have been covered to some extent in the 201 4 week training. But I know there's a real need for specific applications of these maps to specific challenges in school. Eg "How do I map Biology?" "How do I revise for a test the night before?", "How do I find a formula to answer an art essay?". etc.
Our plan is to spend a year using each one of these techniques to solve your real-world challenges as they happen in real time. I'm going to create this Trademarked Curriculum system of specific tools that your child can pull out to solve individual challenges from the age of 11-21yrs. It's a major project and will have a major impact.
The way I'm going to do this is via a monthly subscription to the 'school'. It's like being part of a sports/dance class. There will be training videos sent each month relevant to the time of year or your stage. There will be study groups for you to practice at your own pace. You will have a teaching assistant to coordinate your curriculum and needs. You will get something utterly unique in the world of teaching study skills to creative people. The important thing is that its all at your pace.
You'll have unlimited access to training videos and weekly study groups, so I can learn exactly what you need to overcome the challenges you meet over the whole year. For example, there may be a month where you only watch a few key lessons or none at all. But then, another month you may watch lots of courses and do three weekly study groups leading up to a test or essay. Some of you may end up doing 2 blocks of video lessons a week and multiple study groups each week! That's fine because what I want to do is create a sustainable curriculum that can carry you through from one breakthrough to another.
This will become our premium level service and ideal for people who are approaching an intensive stage like 11+, Entrance exams, Nat 5's, Highers etc. It will have the impact of having a tutor come to your house 2-3 times a week but a lot more affordable.
The plan is to give the first 100 Students lifetime access at $99 (£75) a month. For as long as it is of service to you. You can cancel at any point. There's no tie-in.
Your Instructor
Darius is an Edupreneur, MD of Bulletmap Studio. Passionate about helping Dyslexic Teenagers, and parents, get through High School with their confidence intact. His company produces engaging Mindmap explainer videos. He is senior Tutor of the first Mindmapping course for Dyslexic Teenagers.